가격 : ₩20,874
- Pure, Fresh, Natural
- Pioneer in Organic Bee Farming
- Fresh Royal Jelly (24,000 mg)
- Fresh Bee Pollen (20,000 mg)
- Bee Propolis (15,000 mg)
- Korean Ginseng (12,000 mg)
- Dietary Supplement
Fresh Royal Jelly is most stable and effective when mixed in quality Honey.
제품 사용법
하루에 2회 1작은스푼씩 가급적 식간에 복용하십시오. 최대의 효과를 위해, 꾸준히 복용하십시오. 절대로 뜨거운 물에 섞지 마십시오.
관련 상품 더 보기
Jarrow Formulas, 슈퍼옥사이드 디스뮤타제 (SOD), 20 mg, 60 식물성 캡슐

가격 : ₩15,942
- Antioxidant Enzyme
- Dietary Supplement
- Gluten Free
- Veggie Cap
- Suitable for Vegetarians-Vegans
Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) is one of nature’s most active antioxidant enzymes as it scavenges superoxide free radicals. SOD enhances endogenous antioxidant defenses. SOD also supports cognitive performance and reduces mental fatigue.
제품 사용법
Take 1 capsule per day or as directed by your qualified healthcare professional.
Bluebonnet Nutrition, 천연 오메가-3 두뇌 포뮬러, 소프트젤 120정

가격 : ₩37,102
- Purity – Potency – Freshness
- 3rd Party Tested Guaranteed
- Molecularly Distilled
- Natural Triglyceride Form
- DHA 860 mg / EPA 120 mg Per Serving
- Dietary Supplement
- Gluten Free
Bluebonnet’s Natural Omega-3 Brain Formula Softgels supply high DHA and EPA in a ratio scientifically relevant for maintaining brain health. The fish oil used is derived from deep sea, cold water fish that has been molecularly distilled, which virtually eliminates all heavy metals (e.g., mercury), PCBs and other contaminants, as well as the unpleasant fishy taste and odor typically associated with marine fish oils. Plus, this product has been 3rd party tested by an independent, cGMP-registered laboratory using AOAC international protocols for purity and potency. In addition, a more bioavailable/stable natural triglyceride form of fish oil is used instead of the common synthetic ethyl ester form, which often becomes oxidized/rancid. To ensure sustainability, an unrivaled surveillance system is employed to control minimum size and number of juvenile fish caught. Available in easy-to-swallow softgels for maximum assimilation and absorption.
제품 사용법
식이보충제로, 하루에 1회 2정을 식사와 함께 복용하시거나 의사의 지시에 따라 복용하십시오.