가격 : ₩16,572
- Get A Pop Of Perfection With These Tools: 223 Blurring Concealer
- Soft, Dense Bristles
- Build Layered Coverage With Cream + Liquid Concealer 331 Painted Liner
- Long, Straight Bristles
- Draw The Perfect Liquid Eye Line
Pro Tip: Use With the Dotted Liner to Connect the Dots 413 Highlight. Fluffy, Round Head. Blend Liquid or Powder Highlighters Into Skin 2 Mini Miracle Complexion Sponges. Soft, Flexible Foam with Flat Edge and Pointed Tip: Touch Up On-the-Go Compact Mirror. Touch Up On-the-Go
제품 사용법
How To Use: 1. Dip brushes into your favorite makeup and layer, blend, and buff to perfection. 2. Clean weekly with our brush cleansing gel for improved brush performance
유용한 정보
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