가격 : ₩5,925
- Whole 30 Approved
- Soy & Canola Free
- Non GMO Project Verified
- Primal & Paleo Friendly
- Nothing Synthetic or Artificial
- Real-Food Ingredients Only
- No High Fructose Corn Syrup, Honey or Cane Sugar
- Grain Free
- Certified Gluten-Free
Eat Like Your Life Depends On It™
My philosophy is simple: every bite of food you eat should be both delicious and healthful. I created Primal Kitchen® because in the world of real-food eating, veggies and meat can become pretty boring without sauces. Yet most contain harmful fats, sugars and artificial ingredients for “taste.” I’m doing things differently: no more sacrificing flavor for health-and no offensive ingredients allowed! I’m on a mission to make healthy eating easy and exciting by creating the world’s best-tasting sauces & dressing with clean, simple ingredients.
Mark Sisson, Founder
제품 사용법
관련 상품 더 보기
Twinings, 콜드브루 아이스 티, 믹스드 베리, 20 티백, 1.41 온스 (40 g)

가격 : ₩4,411
- Estd 1706
- Unsweetened Black Tea
- Brews in Cold Water
- Ethical Tea Partnership
- Over 300 Years Of Experience
- Kosher
- Sourced with Care
Twinings Mixed Berries is a delicious alternative to packaged or traditionally prepared iced teas. This blend combines carefully selected Black teas with the luscious fruit flavors of cherry, blueberry, blackcurrant and raspberry to yield a full-flavored iced tea with a delightful aroma
Twinings has perfected that art of delivering a refreshing glass of iced tea in just minutes. Made with real tea leaves, our unique blend delivers the same full-bodies taste as fresh-brewed ice tea, prepared in just 5 minutes.
제품 사용법
Refreshing Iced Tea in just minutes!
- Add tea bag to cold water
- Steep 5 minutes
- Stir & remove tea bag.
- Add ice and sweeten if desired.
Frontier Natural Products, Organic Cut & Sifted Scullcap Herb, 16 oz (453 g)

가격 : ₩24,753
- Member Owned Since 1976
- Responsible to People and Planet
- USDA Organic
- Scutellaria Lateriflora
- Kosher
- Herbal Supplement
- Non-Irradiated
- Certified Organic by QAI
- Origin: United States
Skullcap is an herb that grows uncultivated in the marshy lands of Canada, the northern and eastern parts of the United States, and southeast Asia. In China, the plant roots are known as huang quin, and employed to ease several conditions.
제품 사용법
To prepare as a tea, pour 8 oz. boiling water over 2 tsp of herb. Cover and steep for 5-10 minutes, strain and serve immediately.
Flora, 올가닉 인증 해바라기 오일, 17 fl oz (500 ml)

가격 : ₩16,572
- 퓨어 프리미엄 오일
- 냉압착 & 정제되지 않음
- 압축으로 얻은 신선함
- USDA 올가닉
- 코셔
- QAI 올가닉 인증
Flora’s 해바라기 오일은 맛이 있고 가벼운 견과류 맛을 가진 밝은 노랑에서 짙은 골든 색깔의 올가닉 인증을 받은 태양 숙성된 해바라기씨(제 3자 인증)으로부터 얻었습니다. 이 씨앗은 최신 기술의 저온, 라이트, 산소 프리 환경에서 소량으로 냉압착 되었습니다. 이 오일은 빛을 차단하는 앰버 글라스에 질소치환 방법으로 주의깊게 포장하여 최상의 신선함을 유지, 산화를 막고 최대의 영양 가치를 갖도록 하였습니다. Flora’s 해바라기 오일의 안전성과 맛을 보장하기 위해서 올가닉 기준에 따라 GMO 재료를 사용하지 않았습니다. 정제되지 않은 해바라기씨 오일의 살짝 탁한 색상은 최상의 품질을 나타냅니다.
제품 사용법
Flora’s Sunflower Oil is a light cooking oil that lends a delicate flavor to salad dressings and mayonnaise. It can also be used for stir-frying, sautéing and baking. For optimum freshness keep refrigerated and use within 4 months after opening.