가격 : ₩14,593
- I Don’t Need Therapy. I Just Need Cupping
- Massaging and Firming
- 7 Piece Set / 10 ml Jojoba Oil
- Cruelty Free
- Vegan
Ready to look like you just got fillers? Reduce the signs of fine lines and wrinkles by plumping up the skin tissue and improving blood supply to the face. Grace & Stella’s safe and effective cupping set boosts collagen and suppleness, while reducing pores, puffiness, dark circles and acne.
Key Benefits:
Reduces signs of fine lines and wrinkles.
Reduces pores, puffiness, dark circles and acne.
Boosts collagen production.
제품 사용법
- Apply Jojoba Oil or your favorite facial oil all over your face using the free silicone pad or your fingers.
- Gently squeeze small cups and stick on temple, brow bone and lips. Use circle motion on temple. Use stick and release motion on brow bone and lips. Repeat a 3-4 times
- Gently squeeze larger cups and stick cheek bones, forehead, neck and jaw bone using a upwards and circular motion. Repeat a 3-4 times.
Do these steps for 5 minutes, 2-3 times a week.
Care: Wash cups with soap and water after each use.
Note: Always keep the cups moving otherwise you will bruise. It is normal for your face to turn red due to the increased blood circulation. Test cups on arm first to understand the suction of the cup.
관련 상품 더 보기
L.A. Girl, 완더러스트 아이섀도 팔레트, 각 0.035oz(1g)

가격 : ₩11,055
- 사랑, 그 안에서 샘솟는 아름다움
개성 넘치는 팔레트에 담긴 12가지 풍부한 색상이 매트한 느낌으로 뽀송하게 마무리해 줍니다. 멋진 아이 메이크업을 완성해 아름다움을 드러내 보세요. L.A. Girl이 최고의 팬이 되어 드리겠습니다.