가격 : ₩23,811
- 1978년 설립
- 신진대사 강화
- 허브 24종
- 유전자 변형 성분 무함유 제품
- 글루텐 무함유
- 채식주의자에게 적합
- 제3자 테스트 완료
- 건강 보조 식품
- 지방 감량 촉진
- 에너지 증진 & 식욕 감퇴
- 녹차 및 가르시니아
제품 사용법
2개월 동안은 매일 2회, 오전 및 낮에 캡슐 1~2정을 각각 섭취합니다. 이후 필요에 따라 매일 캡슐 1정씩 섭취합니다.
관련 상품 더 보기
Life Extension, Liquid Vitamin D3, Mint Flavor, 2,000 IU, 1 fl oz (29.57 ml)

가격 : ₩23,216
- Dietary Supplement
- Non LE Certified
Maintaining healthy levels of vitamin D helps preserve youthful cognitive function and offers broad-spectrum benefits for bone, immune system health and more. Here’s why you should be making sure you get enough of this essential vitamin every day:
Cognitive health
Vitamin D is important for maintaining cognitive health and function as you age. Healthy serum vitamin D levels have been shown to correspond with better scores on cognitive health tests and better maintenance of cognitive ability in aging individuals.
Bone and immune health
Vitamin D (along with vitamin K and essential minerals) is essential for facilitating the transport of calcium into the bone matrix. This is an important step in maintaining strong, healthy bones and teeth. Vitamin D also plays a critical role in healthy immune function.
Heart health & blood pressure support
Vitamin D helps to regulate the body’s calcium balance while facilitating calcium absorption into the bloodstream, promotes a healthy inflammatory response in the cardiovascular system and encourages healthy endothelial function. Vitamin D may also help inhibit excess renin levels. Healthy renin levels help maintain healthy blood pressure already within the normal range.
Getting enough vitamin D
This vitamin D3 supplement delivers 50 mcg (2,000 IU) of vitamin D3 as cholecalciferol per liquid drop. We suggest that you take a 25-hydroxy vitamin D blood test after 3 months to assess and adjust your dosage. Your optimal blood levels should be 50–80 ng/ml year-round.
제품 사용법
사용 전에 라벨 전체를 주의 깊게 읽고 사용 방법을 따르십시오.
1 방울씩 1-2 회 음식과 함께 섭취하거나 건강 관리 전문가의 지침에 따르십시오.