가격 : ₩41,922
- Estd 1989
- Pathway to a Better Life
- Gluten Free
- Pure & Unfiltered
- Fresh Cold Pressed
- USDA Organic
- Non GMO Project Verified
- Kosher
- World’s Freshest Flax Oil®
- Certified Organic by QAI
- From Our Family To Yours
Fresh, Cold Pressed & Packed with Omega-3 and Lignans
We’ve left the flax particulate in our Lignan Flax Oil, which gives it a fresh, nutty flavor and provides powerful antioxidant flax lignans for maximum nutrition.
- High in ALA, a Vital Vegan Omega-3 Fatty Acid
- Fresh, Nutty Flavor
- Pure & Unrefined, with Lignan Flax Particulate
- Vegan
제품 사용법
하루 1-2 큰술. 바로 드시거나, 샐러드 드레싱, 요거트, 오트밀, 카티지 치즈나 혼합음료에 섞어 드실 수 있습니다. 품질을 위해 냉장 보관하십시오.
잘 흔드세요. 아마 입자들을 잘 분산시키기 위해 흔드시기를 권합니다.
관련 상품 더 보기
HealthForce Superfoods, Digestion Enhancement Enzymes, 식물성 캡슐 120정

가격 : ₩36,427
- Health Alliance
- Improved Version 2
- Formulated to Maximize Digestion and Assimilation of All Foods and Nutrients
- Dietary Supplement
- TruGanic™ Verified
- Certified Vegan
- Certified Gluten Free
- Kosher Pareve
Digestion Enhancement Enzymes is a comprehensive and potent array of enzymes for optimized digestion, assimilation, and utilization of all types of foods and nutrients with no wasted enzymes. Contrary to enzymes of animal origin, these 100% plant-derived enzymes are effective throughout a wide pH range.
The HealthForce SuperFoods Edge
Integrity: Grassroots, independently-owned company based on principles of service and compassion. We are passionate driven by our values to produce clean, effective products in an FDA-registered, NSF-compliant U.S. vegan facility.
TruGanic Purity: Free of pesticides, GMOs, and irradiation; verified by actual testing. Additionally, all products are lab tested for botanical identity, heavy metals, microbiological activity, and gluten. No fillers, binders, isolates, or flow agents.
Suggested Adjuncts: Fresh, high-water-content raw foods and easy-to-digest steamed foods eaten at the same time as heavier foods. Certain foods, including cruciferous veggies (e.g. broccoli/broccoli sprouts, kale, cabbages, cauliflower, maca, etc.) are more easily digested when cooked; Vitamineral Green and Earth (unique and extremely nutrient-dense superfood complexes for deep nutritional support); Liver Rescue; exercise; fresh air (house plants clean the air), and everything else healthful. You deserve it!
제품 사용법
식사 내용과 양에 따라 식사 또는 간 식당 캡슐 2~4정을 섭취하십시오. 식사나 간식의 첫입과 함께 섭취하는 것이 가장 좋습니다.
함께 하면 좋은 추천항목: 신선하고 수분이 풍부한 날음식과 소화가 쉬운 찐 음식을 기름진 음식과 함께 섭취하십시오. 십자화과 채소(크로콜리/브로콜리 새싹, 양배추, 콜리플라워, 마카)는 조리한 경우 소화가 더 잘 됩니다. Vitamineral Green, Earth(보다 깊이 있는 영양소 공급을 위한 특별한 영양소 폭탄 슈퍼푸드 복합체) 및 Liver Rescue뿐만 아니라 운동, 신선한 공기(실내 화초는 공기를 정화합니다), 건강에 도움이 되는 모든 것과 함께 사용하십시오!
ALLMAX Nutrition, IsoNatural, 100% 울트라-퓨어 유청 분리 단백질, 바닐라, 2 lbs (907 g)
Now Foods, Magnesium & Calcium, 100 Tablets

가격 : ₩9,949
- Nerve and Bone Support
- Reverse 2:1 Ratio
- With Zinc and Vitamin D-3
- Non-GMO
- A Dietary Supplement
- Kosher
- Minerals
- Family Owned Since 1968
- GMP Quality Assured
This reverse ratio formula is formulated to provide higher levels of Magnesium for those who desire the never, muscle and bone supporting effects of this essential mineral. Zinc and Vitamin D-3 are included in this product for their roles in bone metabolism.
제품 사용법
매일 3정씩 가급적 여러번에 나누어 식사나 취침 전에 복용하십시오.