가격 : ₩9,275
- Resealable Bag
- Gluten Free
- USDA Organic
- Non-GMO Project Verified
- Kosher Parve
- 100% Whole Grain – 44 Grains Per Serving
- Good Source of Fiber
- Certified Organic by Quality Assurance International (QAI)
It’s Simple: No Short-Cuts, Just 100% Commitment to Quality and 44 g Whole Grains Per Serving
Arrowhead Mills® brand was born in the Texas Panhandle back in 1960. We’ve grown, but we haven’t changed how we do things. We’re still building long-term relationships with our organic growers, working with them face-to-face, day-to-day. Hard work, honesty, kindness, and business with a handshake- that’s our process. That’s the Arrowhead Mills® way. It’s how we bring the awesome goodness of the land to your table, and we’re real proud of it.
Whole Millet’s little seeds cook up quickly and add flavor and texture to breads. It’s often eaten like rice and was the staple of China before rice became predominant! You can also create delicious puddings, pilafs and stuffings.
제품 사용법
Basic Millet
- 2 cups boiling water
- 1 cup Arrowhead Mills® Whole Millet
- 2 tsp Melted Butter or Safflower Oil (optional)
Cooking Instructions:
In heavy skillet, heat 1 tsp of oil, add the millet and toast gently until the grain is tan. Bring the water to a boil in saucepan, add remaining oil and grain. Stir; cover and simmer gently for 25 to 30 minutes to desired texture or until all of the water is absorbed.
Makes 4 servings.
관련 상품 더 보기
Mt. Whitney Coffee Roasters, 유기농 프렌치 로스트, 다크 로스트 홀 빈 커피, 12 oz (340 g)

가격 : ₩11,674
- 100% High Grown Arabic Coffee
- Taste and See
- USDA Organic
- Nitrogen Packed for Freshness
- Certified Organic by CCOF
Dark chocolate, brown sugar in a heavy, powerful body with bold, smoky overtones.
Mt. Whitney Coffee Roasters
Coffee drinkers are learning to taste unique flavor profiles and those flavors are leading them on a search for the top coffees the globe has to offer.
In order to produce the best, every detail matters. From the tree varietal, to the processing method; no detail is too small.
Small batch artisan roasting allows us to develop flavors and to caramelize natural sugars to bring out the most each coffee has to offer.
Come join us on a tasting experience that satisfies body, mind and soul.
The best coffees in the world are a joy to the mind and soul. It is one of the simple pleasures of life, enjoyed only by a few, the few that care about drinking the absolute best.
제품 사용법
최고 Mt. Whitney 커피 만들기
항상 자신의 커피 만드는 방법에 알맞게 그라인더 세트를 세팅합니다. 종이 맛이 커피에 들어가지 않게 사전에 종이 필터를 따뜻한 물에 헹구어 주십시오. 정수된 물이나 병으로 파는 스프링워터를 쓰시면 가장 좋습니다.
커피와 물의 비율은 1:16 또는 물 6온스 (약 177 ml)에 커피 2 테이블스푼이 좋습니다. 화씨 205~210도(섭씨 96~99도)의 뜨거운 물로 커피를 우려내십시오.